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Friendship necklace-large


Friendship necklace in a slightly bigger size of our very popular small friendship  necklace.

20 inch chain 

¨Mo chara go deo¨/¨my friend forever¨ .

Cara is the gaelic word for Friend and is sculpted in this stunning sterling silver ,in ancient ogham,the secret writing of the celts .Our Cara pendant is a unique symbol of friendship and loyalty and makes the perfect keepsake for your special friend.  

Cara, the ancient Irish meaning of Friend. The word Cara has described true loyalty and close knit allies for centuries among the Irish society. To this day, it continues to resonate with many people across the globe.

Pendant length 6 cms long.


Boxed and gift wrapped with  information about the maker and ogham writing.

©Copyright Ogham Treasure 2012